One believes there had been 300,000+ TZT shares dumped by way of various brokerage houses today –CannO’Crap being just one of the obvious contributors on the sell side.
It would appear that CannO’Crap associated “intermediaries” had reached the end of their rope, if you will, and had elected to liquidate at today’s prices.
Given the previously outlined possibility of where this company’s share price could very well be made to beheading toward, one would hardly choose to blame them, eh.
Hmm, perhaps the analysts who are now overtly choosing to cover the other company (an industry competitor) had influenced some decision to trade horses, if you will.
By the way, do Tranzeo/Aperto representatives actually seek business opportunities “down under, lol?’
No; not that “down under”, lol. One is, after all, referring to Australia, the Aussie Dollar homeland, eh.
We Note that this recently confirmed Australian government administration (see this Margaret Thatcher Jr. wannabe & Co led political administration) is going to be spending billions of Australian dollars during the coming year and well into the foreseeable future.
A National Broadband Wireless Access Networks Plan spending initiative will require well in excess of many billions of dollars to be spent on access to requisite infrastructures (see telecom enabled services) and social and community support programs, etc…
Right then! I guess when you are on “walkabout” you are now going to want to watch TV, surf the net, listen to digital radio programming, call a kangaroo or a wallaby by way of some soon to be embedded communications device, text some crocodile or snake, eh. LOL
Where would the recently landed equipment contracts be Mr. James A. Tocher.
Hmm, are they to be found somewhere near that as yet not materialized secured corporate credit facility, lol.
Given all the advertised associations formed with all those American Private Equity players, one simply can not choose to believe that this play has not produced some “juicy fruit” – who wants some chewing gum, lol.