Post by
ggrellette on Nov 10, 2022 3:10pm
Someone wanted in badly..............
to run this stock up. WHY?????????????? did they get info from the lab maybe.
Comment by
CLOUDER on Nov 10, 2022 3:20pm
lab guys always buy if they see some thing...i always watch for a big push when cores are in a lab....this is a VERY VISUALL BACH wo this find is by mines so could be a take out very fast say at 200 or 500 million who knows....but i love the trading here.
Comment by
Goldy63 on Nov 10, 2022 3:53pm
[/quote . i AGREE WITH THAT CLOUDER . lOOSE LIPS STARTS IN THE LAB . tHEY TELLL THERE FRIENDS , THEN THEY TELL THERE FRIENDS RIGHT. hUGE PUSH AND HUGE VOLUME AND NO NEWS HUMMM . Opps lol. Sorry caps off and hey bro that tip on TCF we even now bro lol. Cheers. Hope Rockit grabbed a few . Cheers.