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After mulling things over and looking at my accounts/plans, I have put in a Sell Limit order in, but at 2.15 atleast for a few weeks, I figure I'm in no hurry to leave but I would like to make a break and not put too much more thought into this. (That said I've also considered a plan of range trading this as it's been bouncing around between 1.95-2.10 very regularly tho volume and fills may be an issue).
I have a rights offering from anouther company that I will be taking full advantage of closing 2nd week of December so some of my investment in this would go there if it sells before then. I also have an idea of what I would replace this investment with, but I'd loose 6% in yeild, but it has short term double potential in shareprice but It's already announced earnings and didn't moved, so short term might be 3-9 months down the road... I'm just gonna chill, if it sells yay, If I'm still here I'll see how earnings look and see if there is any interesting news (not expecting any) and then maybe early December I'll lower my sell limit depending on how I'm feeling then. I kinda don't mind parking cash here and earning 10%... remember you still pay taxes on interest in savings accounts lol so do you want to pay 30% on 10% divs or 30% on 0.025% interest lol... your only risk is share price crashes, which hasn't happened since the pandemic hit (theoretically it would go backwards as you said at about 2 cents per month so when it starts it should be gradual), and we are trading like 25 cents above that meanwhile this company hasn't done anything since mid 2019 that should warrant any upward movement.
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