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Automotive Finco Corp V.AFCC.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  RMIAF

Automotive Finco Corp. is a specialty finance company focused on the auto retail sector. Through its investment in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company provides long-term, debt-based acquisition financing to auto dealerships across the globe, with an initial focus on Canada. In addition to its interest in Automotive Finance Limited Partnership, the Company may also pursue other direct investments and financing opportunities across the auto retail sector.

TSXV:AFCC.H - Post by User

Post by JayBankson Dec 07, 2021 8:27am
Post# 34205393

I Trimmed Yesterday

I Trimmed Yesterday I trimmed my position about 30% yesterday, unfortunately I didn't get a good price, I should have jumped out at higher prices the past couple weeks, but I needed to make the move to make capital avalible for my previously mentioned rights offering I have to fill elsewhere. I still have a Limit Sell order in for the rest of my position. I'm still not opposed to parking free cash in here and trading up while collecting payouts as I look for better investments.

I also noticed AFCC has been removed from dividend tracking site which is odd because last couple months it has been increasing thier coverage adding several small caps or lesser followed names. Back in the spring stopped their coverage likely due to the changing of exchanges.

Less ways of getting exposed to a small and very unknown name is not a positive for attracting new shareholders.

Just figured I'd update on things I notice or find.
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