Post by
Stockmoves1 on Feb 15, 2021 4:30pm
Here's the Thing
Marcus, you ask what my basis is??? lets just say we have seen it before... AMK gets whacked.. stays down for what seems like eternity.. board gets flooded with crooks and bashers that try to take the board over.... WHY??? to cover?? to accumlate on the cheap?? likely.. often spells reversal.. so while I am calling reversal bashing continues and then low and behold bashers dissapear.. stock rebounds and The cat is out of the bag.. Time to get on with the program because MM is losing shares trying to bring it lower and the market isn't swallowing the manipulation any longer.. Stock starts to run.. Timeline shortens, opportunity arises.. A boatload of postives forthcoming... Pricing starts to reflect bullishness, inverstors start to smile.. Stock continues to run... Many girations set in with profit taking and manipulaters but the curve is up..
For any MM to make profit.. They need a large move for dollar cost averaging.. My suspicion that is no less than 1-200%.. So now stocks can run up harder if not overbought at times no different than they were while being pushed down and the stock takes on likely new highs.. If the resource report comes out solid in the area of 20plus mill we can count on a long sustained run with all kinds of volatilty.. When the profit taking has been exercised and the MM wants a reversal be prepared for the board to be flooded with bashers again and the likes of myself being sent back to prison...
don't get blindsided...
Comment by
fordster on Feb 15, 2021 4:42pm
Ha! I was right...except he did have facts to back him up: what do I know. SM - you know my situation. Would you hold or take profits? At what price....heck just PM if you would- thanks SM
Comment by
curtis111 on Feb 15, 2021 4:43pm
Lol I would like to hear the answer to that question!