Post by
Stockieee on Apr 13, 2021 1:12pm
It seems STOCKMOVES is trying to bring down the SP
please NOBODY take this posters advice. He has his own agenda of swing trading shorting this stock. It seems he has been posting the same useless information for years on this board. IMHO
Comment by
Stockmoves1 on Apr 13, 2021 2:05pm
sorry should have proofed my two finger typing lol..... Collusion not inclusion....
Comment by
CharlieWaffles on Apr 13, 2021 2:06pm
It's called "Cash to Bash" SM1
Comment by
fordster on Apr 13, 2021 5:59pm
Funny SM1....they have libeled you and me as being the same person....I want to live! that was a basic human rights violation listed on abusive posting done last night too. My anger gets the best of me, but so I could report these abuses, I took them off ignore. I hope you guys understand if I lose it from time to time. Funny, they really only do show up the night before an assault on SP.
Comment by
Stockmoves1 on Apr 13, 2021 6:41pm
forster for me to be you I would have to live in the USA / Wear huge red baseball cap and be rather Crazy on all fronts.. now its not that Im not crazy but living in the USA and wearing a red hat doesn't seem to fit lol... don't get me wrong Trump did a lot right... we won't get into our leader up north here... :)
Comment by
fordster on Apr 13, 2021 7:12pm
Always good reading you guys. Doc put me on OCD meds...Damn feels goods not to have to be on top of everything all the time....My entire profession is made up of OCD folks. I guess that's why we die early in my occupation. I can seriously say....Patience. So what's with Trudeau? Good guy or too liberal...or just like our politics...we should leave it alone?