I could not quite get my head around the rumor stating Bonga Drilling getting booted out of Fiji. So I first emailed the reporter that wrote about Mr gale in FijiSun, asking if she had heard anything about a visa breach. She had not.
So I simply emailed Mr Gale, today, and asked. His response came back whitin 10 minutes. Copy/paste:
"I am still in Fiji, I too have acquired another core drill that is ready to be put to work as soon as possible.
We specialize in man portable drilling as we can provide exploration drilling services without major environment impact. We too are interested in acquiring a full Fijan work force.
Lloyd Gale, CEO
Bonga Xploration Drilling Supplies Ltd"
Now, you are not to believe rumors on a board. Do whatever you wish with this info, but to me Mr Gales response pretty much blew all the credibility from a few of the mebers on this board - forever.