They say don't let me see how the Sausage is made just give me the Sausage on a steaming roll w pepers and onions YUM !!!
Below is the the ingrediants to build the AZS mine !!! (Pork, (knuckles , lips, butt, etc...)
Highlights on the Philadelphia Property • 1.7 kilometers of gold mineralization in drill holes. 1.5 kilometers yet untested. • 110 holes drilled to date. • 100% of the 42 holes on the patented claims have hit gold mineralization. • 48 holes north of the patented claims have hit gold mineralization. •
Only 40 acres of the 2400 acre claim package have been explored to date. Patented Claim Drilling (since acquiring lease in 2021) • Strike length drilled to date: 1.7 Kilometers (still open 1.5 kms to the south and to the north) • Dip length drilled to date: up to 250 meters (still open down-dip) • Average thickness of all AZS holes: 46.42 meters • Average grade of all AZS holes: 0.92 gpt Au
• Average Thickness of Meridian holes on Daryll’s Hill: 32.3 meters (Just Daryl’s hill)• Average grade of Meridian Holes on Daryll’s Hill: 1.89 gpt Au • Average overall thickness of 1000 meters strike on patented claims: 40 meters • Average overall grade of 1000 meters strike on patented claims: 1.32 gpt Au
Target Size Drilled to Date: • 1700m x 250m x 40m x 2.5TF = 42.5 MM Tonnes • Average grade to date: 1.32 gpt Au • Target potential contained ounces: 42.5 mmT x 1.32 gpt x .029166 opt/gpt = xxxxxxxx ounces Au (do the math) Gaps remain to be drilled prior to commencing resource calculations within this volume.
NOW here in my in my eyes...THe MICK #7 a beer swiggin , blue collar man of the people ...insights & the salient facts about AZS let’s think about this, insiders have never sold a share……They continue to add to their positions as well!
They just exercise 1.2 million options and didn’t sell a share to do this..?
They have shareholders exercising without forcing it.
Mike Stark calls investors, he also returns every phone call & email quickly, be it good or bad news. Which... oh by the way AZS has very little if any bads news as of late.
The Mick #7 in his heyday scoured the halls and bowels of the Howe Stret Area. I met all the so called CEO's.
IMHO ...The GOOD Mike Stark at the TOP, Paul Sorbara GNG,in the MIDDLE and TIE for absolute dregs of the cup... BOTTOM, Andrea Pollard BlackRock, Robert Archer (who knows who is pillaging now )
I will leave you with this tasty tid bit for the holiday weekend.
42 drill holes in a row and never missed once a minable grade with high grade of recently 51 grams.
Stay save enjoy your sausage and peppers and beer in moderation and remember no DWI's. Mick can tell you from long ago fun and very costly !!!! KD #7 The Mick