Post by
Fishercat1 on Jun 06, 2023 10:38am
Plenty here have big stacks in the this sp range. We all know Bay is going to be big . Martindales numbers are very conservative and accurate and thats only one freaking Zone and a billion plus in Copper . I have a job that pays my bills while you trash and bash Bay Daily. Laugh , taunt , and tease now Patrick . Theres plenty more assays to come and I do believe Aston Bay will get the love it deserves . Meanwhile . Spew on Twins. Our day in the sun nears as there are a lot of holes coming with more, and more , and more Copper. Period . Long Bay.
Comment by
Patrick2Linton on Jun 06, 2023 11:55am
Yawwnnn. Very little demand for BAY shares considering the billions in copper you keep spewing. There is quite the gap between what the market is valuing the company at to what you keep pumping. There are stranded deposits all over the earth. Just maybe Storm is another. The market isnt impressed yet. Gracias. Tik tok. Grinnn. Cheers mate. Yup. Hummm. Without prejudice.