<p> into my third decade attending this informative mining event..</p> <p> IMO, I coverd the 4day event attending seminars and talking to companies of interest. </p> <p> Governments, from Canada and other Continents were well represented . I had a good discussion with Gov in-reguards to Flowthrough shares and IMO how this TAX DEDUCTION drives exploration but also sees the share price also lose 50 % of value..</p> <p> BAY</p> <p> Investor exchange Floor<br /> </p> <p> BAY"S booth seen alot of activity during the four days . I noticed atleast on 3 occasions Thomas was doing live interviews from the exchange floor with one Interview seen Thomas walking the exchange floor while been interviewed which gives a good view of trade floor for those that have not seen the exchange.</p> <p> PS,Nunavut Government, right place at right time, I was talking to Thomas at booth when two Nunavut representatives stop by.There has been on-going Dialouge with the Gov and they are very excited about BAY,AWM project moving forward..</p> <p> BAY,AWM,..</p> <p> This year will see the 200,000 tons of cu 43-101 being doubled or higher counting the 2023 results and adding the 12,000 metere of planned expansion drilling.</p> <p> EPY, ..new claims,..........</p> <p> Thomas, had a insight on this property 5 years back but the claims were not availible UNTIL RECENTLY. Thomas as soon as signing deal had land claims geo]S RUSH UP TO NEW CLAIMS AND ARE RESTAKING NEW CLAIMS all around the new property which in-fact is now the size of Storm.</p> <p>
Let The Drills Be Our Frinds