Post by
canexicans on Dec 01, 2014 10:39am
Non-smoking research
So I ask my Doc what can I try in the way of cannaboid pain relief in order to get off all the opiods I have to take. He tells me there is one, one stinking pill. He then says that I would never tolerate the "dopey" side effect it has. My point is that if a patient doesn't want to eat or smoke it they are still at a dead-end. I became curious therefore as to which companies are working towards a pill. A plain ordinary pill that the pharmacy dispenses like they do Valium, Percocet or Lipitor. Does anyone know if Bedrocan is researching that or are they just growers? Anyone know who else is looking into this,? My Doc is very knowledgeable in the field and does prescribe it but as a practical pain reliever alternative to opiods in his experience it isn't viable in most patients. I'd like to be invested in the company that brings the cannaboid pill successfully to market.