Post by
Trennam on Mar 02, 2015 7:36am
News Article: The Hype is over...
From the article: "People have had enough of the hype," he said. "The market's wise to it now." and "The marijuana markets are not going to be what people think. They're going to get crushed. Period."
Even though this may seem like a negative article I think it speaks some hard truths that investors need to be aware of. Any LP, no matter who they, are at this point better learn quickly and do much better in order to win over investor confidence. The article also goes on to talk about potential legalization and what that might mean.
In April, we will be going into the first full year of the new MMPR. By next year, the second year, we should have a much better picture of the LPs that are in the lead. As always - do your own DD and glta.