I WONDER - what Sprott thinks if this small weeny teeny metal detector ?
Black lines - does this signal that the core meterage has been checked ?
If... i checked the core shack - would many these same core samples ( whole ) still be there ?
Unassayed ?
i like the blue sulphide coloration.
Also... the significant carbonates.
Anyone see anything else interesting ?
No... not the yellow colorations - but....what about the open face of core # 1 ?
lots of blue - but... there'a also grey metallics.
Core #2 - significantly more - grey metallics.
Open this photo below - in another window - then click to expand.
Sulphides, quartz, chlorides, carbonates.
Ovid on other side of Wanapetei Lake ( Sudbury ) = magma fallout.
Wonder what the tempreture is down in the mines of Sudbury.
Would anyone have confidence in that tiny lil metal detector ?
Not hard to retest the cores.
If Sudbury has the magma nickel... more solid form.
And... if east of Wanapetei has the - Sodics...
Would this not mean - if nickel were present - would a sodic intrusion not alter the nickel ?
Of course it would.
Nickel sulphide
Nickel chlorite / serpentine
Nickel in, magnesium, aluminum... all sorts of pyrites.
Now.. .what if carbonates kicked in...
yet, another form of nickel conversion could be added.
Blue nickel carbonates.
So... whose idea was it to use - such a small metal detector ?
If they ever did detect nickel in - ( all former + current cores )
stock would turn around in a - heart beat. There... done with this subject.
Done all i've can to address the importance of - sodic / sulphide / pyrite / alum / mag / nickel.
How nickel can be rather difficult to - detect.
And... how to test for difficult transional nickel.
BMK - should buy their Geo's high end - metal detectors.
And... perform a reassay - on historical / current cores -
looking for - nickel / copper / cobalt / gold / uranium / conversions,