Post by
BuyingTIme on May 13, 2021 9:49am
Read very carefully from the leader of the pack. Hi I'm the leader and have a close in loop cult club so no trolls can speak there mind they can join but they better listen to what I say and why because I I I I get the information from jim. I called out the management on holding back the est resourse and you as the leader just proved what I was saying all along. Why you just said yes I talk to Jim and the engineers have signed off and mike also approved and signed off wonder how long this news could have been put out or maybe it takes the management 4 weeks to do a news release or I was correct end of May or when ever they feel like it. What happens next the big bomb news after Friday close. Bt
Comment by
barrymore99 on May 13, 2021 12:15pm
I haven't been on the board all that long. Who is this leader. Heh or are you referring to yourself. Anyways, news after market tomorrow I predict. sure looks that way. Hope it does well, cause I have the next two to go. So the better bnch does, the better the cross pollination. BT, sent you a pm. buddy
Comment by
Platin2014 on May 13, 2021 7:14pm
You're right Berry, it sounds like he's talking to himself, a little bit confused
Comment by
BuyingTIme on May 13, 2021 8:24pm
A little bit confused talking to myself. Actually I received alot of texts from the people I got to get into bnch and they were laughing there heads off and understood every word I was saying to the cult. So head back to get back into your close loop club . O yes I called my mommy and told her that I got feelings and a person posted I talk to myself. Bt