someone posted the excerpt below a year or two ago. I don't recall where it came from, maybe the Analyst report that came out after the PEA last year??
This blurb noted an approximate 2 month process. Not sure how accurate it is??
The second step is the exploitation field approval. The exploitation field is an area surrounding the deposit which encloses the planned infrastructure at the surface and the extents of the mining operations underground. To obtain the exploitation field approval, Erin must submit the following:
- A 1:2500 scale map outlining the deposit, infrastructure and communications, cadastral data, etc.;
- Certificate on resources and reserves from the beginning;
- Feasibility study for the Project with a detailed economic assessment of the Proiect which
needs to be prepared by a licenced institution and
subiected to technical review;
- Proof of compliance with urban planning and compliance with municipality spatial plan;
- Scope of work for an Environmental Impact
- Assessment study issued by the Ministry of
- Environment;
- Proof of compliance with cultural heritage legislation;
• Proof of compliance with water management conditions.
Upon the receipt of request, the Ministry of Mining and Energy issues the approval for the exploitation field, the expected time is two munts from the request submission. Once the exploitation field has been approved, Erin must prepare additional documentation prior to taking the third step in the process of permitting.
The key document is the "Main