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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum Boron One Holdings Inc V.BONE

Alternate Symbol(s):  ERVFF

Boron One Holdings Inc. is a Canada-based international mineral exploration and development company with its assets in Serbia. The Company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of its resource properties. Its project includes Piskanja. Piskanja is located in a historical mining region with infrastructure for mining, including roads, rail, electric power, experienced miners... see more

TSXV:BONE - Post Discussion

Boron One Holdings Inc > I see the plan here for the latest price move...
Post by CriticalMind55 on Nov 24, 2023 1:20pm

I see the plan here for the latest price move...

The private placement was for five sents, so they will push the price up to sell and make a few pennies on large volume, some shares may be under escrow but I know people can still sell and get away with it.  IMO.
Comment by ListenandLearn on Nov 24, 2023 1:58pm
CM, When was the last time we saw big volume here? Pushed the price up in the hopes that it will hold so to sell a lot more shares around that level a mkae a profit? You'd need volume that we haven't see here in a heck of while......Doesn't quite add up.... Maybe someone just wanted in?
Comment by CriticalMind55 on Nov 24, 2023 2:11pm
Well, time will tell, what if the person at CIBC tried to create hype by buying at the ask price, hoping it would trigger more buying, push the price up a few cents then dump? sacrifice a few shares at .06 cents and sell 500,000 at .08, that will be a profit of .05-.08 X 500,000 = $15,000 maybe not today but next week or next month...I could be wrong if there is a great news forthcoming, but I am ...more  
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