Post by
Wangotango67 on Jul 31, 2021 4:03am
PDF - EXCERPT ( page 5 )
There is significant existing infrastructure at the BRM site remaining from previous mining operations (Dalton Mine and Gallowai Bul River Mine) that occurred from 1971 to 2009. Surface development includes: two open pits (one has been backfilled with waste rock; the other is used as the primary settling pond for contact water); waste rock storage facilities; a tailings management facility; pads for baseline testing of acid rock drainage; a 1,000 tonne per day conventional mill with an adjoining crusher building, fine ore bin, and concentrate storage area; and administration, security, assay and metallurgical laboratory, and equipment maintenance buildings. Underground infrastructure includes 22,000 metres of underground developments on seven levels.
( i forgot to post in last message )
Now... could i have errored in the - number crunching - net profits ?
UGH.... ( BLUSH )
I just reread my other post -
And... just ot reiterate - i was going off of the number crunching in Bravehearts video -
$500/ net per concentrate tonne.
What did i do ?
i used raw tonnes... ( double blush, blush )
Hence - raw tonnes is not concentrate tonnes.
What i do not know is....
What sort of concentrate factor Braveheart would use as a tone reducer to create a concentrate. All depends on what " Ocean " requires as an acceptable concentrate.
And... i'll admit - i haven't a clue what sort of concentrate is required for off takes.
That... i would love ot know.
So... please do excuse.
I will admit - my former number crunching ( concentrate ) is in error.
Humble apologies.
Does anyone know what type of reductio nthe copper ores would experience after the ore sorting ? I haven't come acros sthis yet... Again, my apologies.