Post by
Brioche on Mar 08, 2023 3:51pm
You go to bed with theoretically
A gold company and you are waking up with a iron company doubt The alchemy does exist .
The small are diluted while the big are not . ( they were on both sides ) .
The mont sorcier seems interesting , but why this mariage ? Was Voyager in difficulty with debentures maturity at may 31 ? ...Or something else ?
First gram of iron for... 2028 ..if everything ok .
Comment by
ABDPhil on Mar 10, 2023 7:01am
Cerrado is struggling to make a profit from its only mining project; and is funding its heap leach process AND the drilling campaign for its second project through royalties. Now an acquisition. It's unusual. Cerrasprott as a new social name, why not?