Post by
MMJorBust on Jan 06, 2022 6:18pm
Investors need to encourage Board to FIRE DON ALLAN!
I don't post here. But today I will.
If you are long or bag holding on the stock I want you to read what I just sent to the company via email and I would like to encourage you to do that same.
Yes we will be fine and yes the company isn't as heavily diluted as some would have you believe but Don Allan simply has got to go.
I’m a private investor that’s been invested in your company for 2+ years now. I am perplexed as to why you would even let Don Allan hang around as a figure on your board. You guy’s now own the patent. It’s time to strong arm him out the door. He lied to investors on several occasions and as CEO he failed to disclose material information that should have been disclosed immediately when it was discovered the catalyst from China was not ionized. He’s trouble for you guys. He is a liability that needs to be disposed of. Now with 30 million plus shares I can assure you Don Allen is going to be just fine. I don’t give a rat’s a$$ if he founded the company 16 years ago. He had a good gut instinct back then. That’s it. It’s clear he was getting his technical information from Greg and then would miscommunicate that information and/or twist it to make Cielo’s position seem a lot further ahead than it actually was. The majority of my investment was at 3.5 cents but I continued to invest more based on what I was hearing from Don. It pisses me off I have to spend more of my hard earned money trying to average down after all of this while you continue to dilute. Those poor ba$tard$ (and I know some of them) that were investing at 1.00 plus weren’t making a bad decision they were making that decision to invest based on the facts that were given to them by former CEO Don Allan. I’m not going away, those investors who got duped into investing north of a dollar are not going away. We are all bag holding. Guess who has to go? Don. Don’t write me back with some script that he’s not involved anymore because he is... take his name plate off the door fire it into a card board box with all his things and send him on his way.
Comment by
Bucketshop on Jan 07, 2022 9:09am
Best post ever!!! Let us know the response!! With a cost of .035 how could you need to average down. you do know its Jan 1 not April 1 ???? .This should be an exhibit in school in how not to invest. Please post here again,it breaks the monotony!!!
Comment by
Differentfleas on Jan 07, 2022 12:16pm
Will be nominating you for a Darwin Award!!