Post by
odzie1 on Jun 06, 2022 1:03pm
mr. Tamarack
I see youre a shorter now. Switched over to the dark side. Playing it both ways. So now CMC is in its death throes. Like its on the ground twitching still. Youre a joke.
Comment by
ZouZS3 on Jun 08, 2022 11:19pm
Gimmycash2 is the same guy bashing & shorting every single green company and pumping the biggest fossil fuel polluters. Xebec over cielo and fossil fuels.
Comment by
tamaracktop on Jun 06, 2022 3:21pm
Neither long nor short. Simple facts are this company has no revenues, no cash, some debt, and has racked up $76 million in losses. End of story. Literally and figuratively.