Comment by
Sean8520 on Dec 31, 2020 5:59pm
I don't know how to fix everything becoming one paragraph, that looks like way too much of a ramble, sorry
Comment by
idlefreebird on Dec 31, 2020 6:04pm
I see your concerns , but the higher price expectation in nickel will bring all worries away...GLTU in future investements.
Comment by
Sean8520 on Dec 31, 2020 6:21pm
If you could actually make that post out than awesome haha, and agreed with the overall macro but it wasn't what I was dreaming of which was a short-term 10-40x I was dreaming of. It'll get there (not to that extremes), but even FPX is up 25-40% since I thought about buying and really it's just a matter of me not diversifying even within the nickel space...I'm learnin'
Comment by
idlefreebird on Dec 31, 2020 7:30pm
Sean , the big picture is still a 10x from here as the mass of nickel is there..the big company like Glencore will have this mining sequence over 100,000 tpd giving them a nice supply in the market...keep in mind Mark is keeping it small for initial capex picture..i was also disapointed in low carbon recoveries , but we are looking at nickel as key ingredient,,,especialy low CO2 NICKEL..GLTU