Post by
EndZonefor7 on Mar 11, 2022 12:49pm
For those who missed the "positive" PEA page 345 smallcap wants us to read. As I've said we're still in the third inning here with 18 more properties to go.
The CUC offers good potential for developing a low-grade, large tonnage nickel (Co, Pt, Pd, Fe) resource and should be investigated further.
25.17 Interpretation and Conclusions It is the opinion of the authors that additional exploration and development expenditures are warranted on the Crawford Nickel Sulphide Project.
Considering the positive outcome of this PEA report, it is recommended to pursue the next phase of the project. Next steps in the development of the project should focus on expansion drilling to extend current mineral resource limits and in-fill drilling to upgrade confidence in the categorization of current mineral resources
Comment by
smallcap1967 on Mar 11, 2022 4:32pm
The mettalurgy only uses samples with S/nNrations in excess of .3. Many of the drill results have S/N of zero. These 3 "exhaustive" improved samples do not appy as the drill cores have less than .3 S/N ratio. Note the last press released improved total nickel recovery from 62-63 %. Table 1 Locked Cycle Tests February 15, 2022
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EndZonefor7 on Mar 11, 2022 4:57pm
You missed the point of the news. The lower grade .19 got similar recovery results as the higher grade .35. More FUD.
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PCGuy10 on Mar 11, 2022 5:27pm
I just mentioned this earlier. That .19 sample had a S/N ratio of .3. Run a sample using DDH CR19-23. It has .33 Ni .08 S for a S/N ratio of 0.24. Let us know how it goes. If the results match than we are good to go. If it doesn't then we're cherry-picking the data.
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EndZonefor7 on Mar 11, 2022 5:31pm
Now there is accusations of cherry picking. LOL. Must be tough on the short side with CNC new big players on board with $45 million plus. Happy weekend shorties !
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N3tPr0phet on Mar 11, 2022 5:33pm
>everybody with criticism I can't adequately respond to is short t. you
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EndZonefor7 on Mar 11, 2022 5:35pm
Yup looks like you started drinking before noon. Lol
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EndZonefor7 on Mar 11, 2022 5:34pm
PCguy now joining the dark side instead of just being ex-shareholder. Where were you the last 4 press releases on metallurgy ?You all must be at the same bar. LOL
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PCGuy10 on Mar 11, 2022 9:24pm
Going back and re-reading those relases, the samples used had S:Ni ratios higher than 0.3, one as high as 1:1. If you know the reasons why it works with samples with low or no sulfur you can just spare us the drama and tell us instead of telling us to email the CEO as you have. Let's just leave it at that!