Post by
Steven115pp on Sep 13, 2022 9:37pm
Large capital deals do not always materialize in a 'months' time frame particularly for multi decade mining companies. To support this statement - Mark Javis w/ Giga Metals states in one of his recent interviews that the deal with Mitsubishi -- though in my opinion was not a good deal for Giga -- took MORE THAN 3 YEARS to materialize as it can be a very slow and drawn out process. Unfortunately he couldn't get funding elsewhere (unlike CNC who raised money through institutional financing -- good deal in my opinion ) and had to take this offer to secure funding -- he states in a prior interview that an equity investment would be the last resort for financing his company. In regards to CNC, we don't need any additional financing at this time -- particularly low ball offers that would further dilute or take a large equity portion of the company for a meger amount of money. I can definitely foresee off take agreements in the near future from either automotive or battery companies - hence the quiet insider trading in my opinion.
Comment by
EndZonefor7 on Sep 13, 2022 11:35pm
Well said Steven. Companies worth mega billions who are betting billions on an entirely new generational market shift do not make quick decisions. At the same time nickel in NA is a limited product and you can bet there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Securing supply is detrimental to their success.
Comment by
GnuckyT on Sep 14, 2022 8:00am
Well said alright and counters what you've been saying.