I thought I would share.
The update we saw today from the IAAC was actually sent to CRE on January 14.
LINK TO IAAC LETTER The very next day Comex issued their press release dated January 15.
LINK TO COMEX PRESS RELEASE It's almost like Comex were waiting for the federal government to confirm that the documents submitted to them were complete to move on with their process.
We don't see it directly, but all this government bodies are working together.
Our next step should be to receive the draft envronmental statement.
When looking at our neighbours (Nemaska) processing timeline, it seemed to me like they had to have a hearing on the draft environmental assessment that was issued to them.
Will CRE need another hearing or will the Pikhuutaau agreement signed with the CREE nations of Eastmain play in our advantage. TIme will tell.
Another point I wanted to highlight is the comments from JSL on the last news release
“The economy of tomorrow will be driven by strategic sectors, like the electric vehicles and batteries sectors. This vision aligns perfectly with our vision to become a large responsible supplier of lithium to the flourishing electric vehicle and energy storage systems industries. We represent perfectly sustainable development with our project that is, not only good for the environment, but that is good for the development of local communities,” concludes Jean-Sbastien Lavalle. This comment really feels like it's addressed to the European Car Manufacturers of this world. I really think a company like VW could use some CRE mined lithium to wash off their Dieselgate scandal.
At this stage, we can only speculate and hope for the bext.
Cheers to all longs!