Well, in over a decade we have never seen this start up company doing so welll. They have quantified their comments that they were seeking alternatives to the technology. Thus, joining UofA in a JV to remediate existing oil sands. At least one Producer will allow them to use samples, after all, they own the tailings ponds mess.
Yes Arvid, we have always assumed what you stated, why do something if u don't have to when running a large cap Company. I think we are seeing varying signs of that coming to an end. That being the indigenous involvement and political involvement and awareness.
Someone asked, who sells shares at this critical juncture? Don't forget, we were in the 50's only months ago, that's a double up for clients if you are a broker.
Thoughts on this? Wouldn't it be a huge win for CNQ to buyout CVW and bring the indigenous community positive involvement with the Company in one fell swoop.
Oh ya, Pyro, you asked, sell 1/3 when u think it is at a high. If it goes up you still have 2/3 left. If it goes down, u did well.