Post by
boazklinghorn on May 18, 2021 12:44pm
Ignore all the stupid endless litany of excuses the CAD covid blah blah blah, we want results not more years of endless promises and superlatives from The G man and his incredibley uninspiring posse of mediocrity. Vote agaianst all directors. We wont be able to remove them but if enough shares are withheld we might at least get their attention.
Comment by
PharmerCapital on May 18, 2021 12:49pm
i am agreeing with the use of excuse i plan to vote against three directors and prophitfact cause he doesnt' know a difference btween his own hole adn the one on the farm
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boazklinghorn on May 18, 2021 2:42pm
Truth be known all the other directors are just warming a chair to have impact we need to vote against Gilles. Not that he is a bad guy he is just clearly the wrong guy. After 9 years of shining shareholders on with his BS and plodding uninspired leadership we need to send a message.
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Minty_33 on May 18, 2021 7:22pm
What's it going to take to get some of the directors off the board? Between GG and all the other cronies, they really don't own a pile of shares! Let's do the math and move forward with a team that can finally monetize all the "irons in the fire" where's Bill Ackman when you need him?