Others have tested avenanthramide before and it is in oat bran, etc. What makes CZO's special? CZO is the only one in the world that can produce natural avenanthramide at scale globally. CZO is positioned to take avantage of the significant body of preclinical research on avenanthramide for various diseases as can be seen at PubMed, for example.
I need clarification, but CZO may have also selected only the most essential part of avenanthramide responsible for it being a bioactive. It has created a highly purified, standardized pharma-grade pill. This is a first in history, I believe. Does the CZO advantage stop there? CZO has refered to a second mysterious formulation that it is also developing for the coming trial.
"In planning for an extension into a Phase 2a (subject to Phase 1 outcomes), Ceapro’s R&D group manufactured sufficient additional GMP batches of avenanthramides active ingredient powder for a second formulation of avenanthramides pills." News release
As a delivery technology company has CZO impregnated its unique and highly purifed, pharma-grade powder of avenanthramide into one of its newer proprietary PGX delivery carriers? We've seen how CZO's carriers can tranform CoQ10 bioavailability data. PGX can also transform YBG. After understanding how CZO's avenanthramide pill works alone in humans and the optimal dose, does the second mysterious formulation seek to further enhance results with a PGX carrier?
Great Promise: "The safety and bioavailability study will evaluate avenanthramides as a stand-alone therapy or potentially in combination with carriers recently developed using our PGX technology to address some inflammation-based diseases, which we believe shows great promise.”" News release Do we have PGX-YBG-Alginate/CoQ10 with a blowout formulation of avenanthramide that we've never seen before? PGX-YBG is also an anti-inflammatory. It is a Trojan Horse that can hijack macrophages? Slow, extended release? Highly bioavailable? Delivers deeply into heart tissue?
Gilles has mentioned that the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory market is worth $60 billion per year.
Avenanthramide was the reason Gilles joined CZO. Here comes the trial with some mystery. A recent news release also said:
“The commencement of this study represents a noteworthy milestone in the development of our avenanthramide program and could be the most significant transformational step we have taken to date in executing on our strategy to expand Ceapro’s business model towards becoming a biopharmaceutical company with the potential to provide an innovative product into very large markets." News release
"Potential indications for the systemic use of Ceapro’s avenanthramide are anticipated in the inflammatory component of vascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, exercise induced inflammation, lung inflammation and, conceivably, in cardiovascular pathology associated with COVID-19." News release