Post by
seveneleven711 on Mar 04, 2023 9:48am
Scandium Fluoride-ScF3
What I learned on Thur./Fri. presentation and 1-1 networking with management and other shareholders.
1. The ScF3 will come directly from phospate stage without needing the oxide stage.
2. The process involves lower temperature which means lower cost.(no Ti and Fe impurities that are found in laterites that need to be removed)
3.High recovery rate from phosphate to fluoride state
4.DBG/HAT will be able to sell ScF3 at a very competitive and profitable price.
5. Ford Motor company has sent DBG emails making inquiries about Scandium.
6. No dilution for now which means anyone wanting shares will have to go to the market.
7. The Market-OPINION- The volume has been way up and will continue to be.It's always good for a company like DBG to attract "financial, capital, investment" groups that have experience and market presence. Of course these groups and it's investor base will always try to get in early and then continue to buy along the way. The goal is to sell the company where everyone makes $. There will be increased competion for market shares along the way. The small shareholder has to keep in mind that the "groups" have various strategies that they can use to compete for shares and at the best price. It's not just about the news but also timing and connectivity.
8. The size of a mineralized HAT is much bigger than 350M tons.
9. The AU and CU results just might be better than expected.
10. Lots of news coming out over the next 6 to 9 months. Timing of news is extremely important in more ways than we can imagine.
11. It was a pleasure speaking with mangement and fellow shareholders.