Post by
Wangotango67 on Mar 24, 2021 8:20pm
PAGE - 59 - 69 - ARIS REPORT
talus samples taken by Lac Minerals in 1993 mainly on LNT 396304 (Lac Minerals, 1993). A broad Cu anomaly with values >100 ppm was located on the south slope of LNT (ARIS 396304).
soil and sediment samples from the NSRBG has been an important exploration objective in Geofine’s continued evaluation of the LNT (Molloy, 2013). The 2014 results from one sediment and 8 soil samples collected in the vicinity of the Marty Zone continue to suggest a proximal bedrock source - Cu values between 109.5 and 214 ppm and averaging 138 ppm;
TALUS - silts at base of mountain.
LNT - lord nelson tenure
broad copper anomaly - - I'm thinking - that huge silt mound at base of LNT.
south slope - LNT
soil + talus - sampling
100 ppm - 214 ppm
WHAT'S 100 PPM ?
.01% per tonne.
= 22/lbs ( x $4 copper = $88/usd per scoop )
NOW... i wil lsay this... most geologists take sedim ent or soil smaples - just at surface.
Rarely do they dig deep - if thery do - they'll address it and say, they'd cored the soil to
such and such a depth... i'm mot reading anytihng about coring - which indicates...
DEC - should core the - mass copper talus anomaly - a good 3m deep - as suggested.
would eliminate a dilutive copper value that may have become weak due to leaching.
we can read abovde - ARIS REPORT - copper talus values run as high as, 214 ppm.
THIS IS WHERE - one needs to wonder what th ecopper values are going deeper.
Deeper in most cases of silts or talus - the ores are less influenced by, water leaching.
It could mean - as one goes deeperr -the grades could increase.
I never underastood the objective of testing topical when one can test deeper and truly gain
a better understanding of the strata.
100 ppm = .01% = 1/10 of one percent.
= 22 pounds of copper @ 100 ppm
= 44 pounds of copper @ 200 ppm
Again.. these are other juniors who tested the - talus silts -
tested at surface - but...what would the copper values below surface unaffected by - leaching ?
i think the talus ores ( broad copper anonaly ) is worthy of further investigation.
Other miners - mine copper - with only a 1/3 of one percent.
Stil lprofitable.
Those miners have many more expenditures - vs - this talus is just sitting there.
No ground breaking - all above grade.
One then has to ask... If a competitor can mine a copper ore body with - 0.3% copper
Then.... could a talus mound be mined with lessor copper grades - and still - profit ?
What if the talus copper values - rose to -
500 ppm at 3m depth ?
= .05%
= 110 / lbs copper x $4/lb
= $440/usd.
GEOLOGIST - may be all eild over the higher percentage copper in hardrock...
But... how much easier is it - just scooping talus - already miled ?
And.. .the potential vantage of...
securing the - 75% - of all Del + Lord.
i know what i would do.
3m deep - test the entire talus anomaly -
100 ppm in first meter could blend an average with a potential 505 ppm at 3m....
One won't know - if one - doesn't try.
Thanks, Trump this...
Aprereciate your kindness....
I just wish others didn't burry this post below -
i thought i came across some really good - findings.
Something very odd about - certain posts - have taken the main focal point - minerals - away from the board. I'm also thinking - wild thought - there's a few who might not want to see
DEC with 75% of DEL + LORD.... and do their damdest to burry the posts om - how to work
the talus ores - quickest path to production -