Decade -
has 100 % interest in the Goat, Grassy, Premier East and Terrace area properties DEL NORTE
Decade has the right to earn up to a 55% interest in the property under the following terms: - Payment of $400,000 over 4 years with an initial payment of $20,000.
- Issuing 800,000 shares of Decade on signing.
- Issuing $180,000 of Decade stock over a 4 year period.
- Expenditures of $4,000,000 over 5 years.
Decade has the right to earn an additional 20% by placing the property into production. There is an underlying 2% NSR on the property. The agreement is subject to TSX Venture approval.
Decade should -
Drop - Lord Nelson - streamline - lean and mean
Renegotiate Del Norte
And.. in the meantime - go work on their 100% owned claims.
What kind of terms for Del Norte ?
55% ownership out of the gates with small dwpt.
And - futrher earn in option of 20% based on 1/2 the cost of current arrangement
Why... simply put, Teuton is having another builld their claims out at the expense of another.
It's like having another fild crew team working the Teuton claims...
And as most know... it costs $$$$ to carry claims and work the claims.
Teuton recently gave a better deal to another junior with other claims.
Far more favorable terms.
Teuton should look at the del norte with eyes that say....
What have the other juniors done with del norte over the years ?
And.. then ask, what has DECADE done ?
Decade has found something interesting to go on...
Argo zone.
It's to Teutons advantage another keeps expanding andadvancing the del norte.
But... how does another do so, with 200/mil shares out and sitting @ $.06/cents ?
Yeah... kind of difficult.
Which is why the del norte should be revamped and an agreement that's more
team - friendly - which acts as a benifit to Teuton + Dcade at same time .
Just an opinion....
Or... Decade should look to the easiest mineral credit.
Carbon or perhaps lead...or, test the talus mounds for copper values 3m deep
Check all the cores for carbon -re assay.
Assemble all the past drill cores and if they have a carbon constraint resource.
Or, go forthe easy lead - drill a small known lead zone and create a small lead resource.
Hoping its a zone with easy access - and start a small production of lead - in a concentrate
and at same time go for the - 75% ownership to get the monkey off its back...
Or, tap the lower glacial strips - in the valleys....
I don't know why no other junior has - yet.
What type of ores did some of the eskay creek gold miners find hte gold in ?
Mudstone = clays...
Where did Tudor drill ?
At base of glacial runway...
Anyone see the Tudor cores...
Yeah... they look like mudstone...
= gold dropped out carried by waters and mudstone and reconsolofdated
into a new mudstone matirx....
It would be interesting to see what the base of del norte would produce
with a few drills around its entire perimeter....
Before anyone screams and yells...
Think twice... the nelson creek which is in the glacial valley on north side of del, facing
lord nelson seen placer mining - once upon a time.
Gold carried in by glacial or ocean waters...
Stuck in the silts, clays, mudstone.