Post by
Mario79 on Jan 12, 2021 5:04pm
My personal analysis
I would like to provide some personal insights for today:
(1) As the test market kit is very competitive, DM’s kits are one of the best out there. The acquiring of Concierge is big. This opens a new line of services for DM to sell their test kits through this service. What should make everyone happy if they start accumulating new clients with this service kit sales will grow but so will the Concierge side of the business. As Marshall stated yesterday, the concierge services are huge with non-residents working in Canada such as the film industry that want to seek medical advice.
(2) OTCQB uplisting will be a game changer. For example, some US investors want to buy DM on the OTC pink sheets and there nothing being offered at 16 cents US. They would had to buy in the 17 cent to 20 cent mark. Having OTCQB will create alot of liquidity and volume.
(3) Over 11 million DM shares traded on the TSX, ATS, Alpha, Omega and Tradegate/Frankfurt exchanges. The more this trades a new floor is being created. Stock becomes stronger and share price will increase substantially. Total trading for the first 7 days of 2021 is approximately
111 million shares.
(4) As DM garners positive attention, you can expect stock price dips here and there but good buying opportunity presents itself. Don't lose site of how well this company is doing. Soon enough DM will see new highs never seen before.
(5) Huge buying from RBC clients in which i am one of them in which they purchased over a couple of million shares. RBC has the fair price at 31 cents. Their technical analysis states very strong bullish evident in the short and medium term.
(6) Revenues will exponentially in Q1 and Q2 this year which in my opinion deserves a share price at 5 time muliple in revenues.
Comment by
Dudeforever on Jan 12, 2021 6:27pm
Great post, Mario. But you didn't mention Graph Blockchain!