Post by
wildbird1 on Jun 27, 2021 12:46pm
In May, 2021, I made a prediction that Q1 revenues would be over $10 million, an increase of 1000% over Q1,2020 (1000% increase was very good revenues).
When the Q1 financial came out M. Gunter proved me and almost everybody else wrong by having revenues of $19 million, an increase of 2,253% over Q1,2020.
That is what you call overdelivering.
Last Webinar
11:50 time " We are getting more requests for Covid-19 business than we ever got".
"More requests than we ever got" could indicate that Q2 tests revenues could be much, much bigger than Q1 tests revenues.
Last Webinar
0:54 time " There are large contracts sitting there...these contracts are so good that we have been hiring to fulfill these contracts".
" These large contracts are so good" could mean that they are very big($).
The bigger the contracts the bigger the hurdles(snags), if these contracts do not come out before the end of June it could be a good sign, as these contracts could be bigger($) and more complex than expected( be patient).
Note 1) Dillution is bad if it is done to pay salary & expenses...Dilution is good if a company is issuing new stock as a mean to boost revenues.
Note 2) Only 10% of the world population has received 2 dose of the vaccine in the last 6 months(20% have received 1 dose). A lot's of testing left before traveling come back to normal.
Datametrex niche is the traveling industry (more $$$).
Q3 revenues.
In Q3 we could see for the first time ever, big AI revenues + big testing revenues in the same quarter, that is something worth waiting for.
Cash balance.
Datametrex could have over $25 million in cash balance before year end(already $13 million in the first 6 months without AI revenues).
PS: Before the Q1 financial were released, M.Gunter keep telling us that Datametrex would see big numbers in Q1 financial (and DM did). Now M.Gunter keeps telling us that testing is still increasing, and that large AI contracts are coming.
Knowing that M.Gunter overdeliver, what does that tell you for Q2 & Q3 financial.
Go M.Gunter Go (Go Habs GO).
Comment by
CandyC on Jun 27, 2021 1:50pm
What defines "large ". I'm hoping for a ongoing government contract for a few years bringing steady large revenue for every quarter.
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baggerx99 on Jun 27, 2021 3:00pm
A nice hostile 10 bagger bid would be pretty.........Blockbuster news release anytime....
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JWING17 on Jun 27, 2021 9:46pm
Pushing back offers....Where did you get that from?
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Resilience19 on Jun 27, 2021 10:33pm
If I recall correctly, he mentioned it in the last Discord or some other interview. Others on this board may remember the exact instance.
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Yeehaw1 on Jun 27, 2021 10:59pm
Perhaps this question can be asked again to in Discord meet.
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MoreUpThanDown on Jun 28, 2021 9:02am
... already done... see you on the call!
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MoreUpThanDown on Jun 28, 2021 9:48am
...yes, noon/12:00 EST...
Comment by
themason on Jun 28, 2021 10:31am
Wildbird, all of that is great and everybody on this board knows it, but the news has to get out .