Post by
swyint123888 on Aug 26, 2022 10:13am
Please restate this New DM
I have been doing some googling and this false report can have consequences....please re-post the news with the correct facts DM and do it folks can do whatever DD you like I could care less but my research is clearly saying this false NR can have unwanted impacts
Comment by
mutjwo on Aug 26, 2022 10:17am
DM didn't state incorrect facts, you all need to stop spreading lies and hyperventilating. Saying they made 18.3M revenue during Q2 2022 is the same as saying they made 18.3M revenue during the first 6 months. Stop spreading false claims.
Comment by
mutjwo on Aug 26, 2022 10:18am
After doing DD, everything on the FS and Sedar reflects on the NR. They made 18.3 in revenue. Whats with this false narrative??
Comment by
MUTDMUTD on Aug 26, 2022 10:21am
... I always tend to agree with you ... but stating revs for Q2 is not the same as stating revs for the first 6 months... That is Q1 + Q2... A correction is needed in my opinion....
Comment by
mutjwo on Aug 26, 2022 10:39am
Q2 fin results were reporting the last 6 months, so the revenue is correct.
Comment by
TheRazmot on Aug 26, 2022 11:04am
Mutjo, I believe you are mistaking Q2 vs H2 reporting. Hiding weaker Q performance under semester numbers is common but doesn't make it a good practice. Guess, we will have to wait another 3 months to see if this is a trend or just a weaker Q... Raz
Comment by
PatrickHath on Aug 26, 2022 10:58am
Most are focussed on the error and fail to notice that the company is making progress. Income streams will be much diversified with EV chargers and the Medi-Call app on the way. I agree with you that this stock is worth going in for a long shot.
Comment by
Shlinker_ on Aug 26, 2022 11:05am
The Title and info the NR is disappointing, but sadly, not surprising. The fact is, cash is dwindling. These new verticals will take years to take off. Why? Because management doesn't actually know how to really get it moving. The GBLC and SCRN handouts are also hurting this company. The perfect storm. Cash will be zero at this time next year. Cheers.
Comment by
astutein on Aug 26, 2022 11:12am
Shlinker- couldyou please provide details of current liabilities aas only current assets in press release, Could obtain on Sedar?
Comment by
EthanDTrader on Aug 26, 2022 11:26am
Cash is dwindling? Cash will be depleted by this time next year? Cry baby give me a break! If you're having a mental breakdown Medicall will fix that . Go download