Post by
swyint123888 on Sep 20, 2022 10:11am
Let Me Be Clear
I could care less what anyone thinks about me....this is stock house aka scum house, it's meaningless. Everyone who posts here is under water except the longs who have that 5 cent average.
Some posters decide to pump and try and mislead their fellow investor to hopefully entice some of the readers to buy to get the price back up to a real investor I see things for what they are and come here to vent on a terrbily performing investment.
Again today's news has zero impact on the market and if some of the readers decided to band together and buy 500,000 shares or something like that nothing would happen to the price as again STOCK HOUSE MEANS NOTHING to the price of the stock.
For those that think leaders of banks or brokerage houses or investment firms or just multi million dollar investors check in on stock house before investing I have all the pity in the world for you.
We are all legends here....all 25 of us who post and maybe the other 200 or so who look in....yes legends I say....I vent as the reality of the situation (the price of the stock) is grim at this point in time....I have also said many many times that if done right the verticals can make money but this is a futuristic thought that I have no clue will actually happen but again I think if done right it could.
So folks lets just keep venting on here and leave the real investing / price action to the players that can actually make it happen and stop thinking / believing us legends on here actually make a difference....for those taking what's said here and then make investing decisions....well what can I say but good luck with that.
Comment by
korupsion on Sep 20, 2022 10:45am
So if this is the most intellegent post you have seen that means you beleive what he says. That means posting on Stock house is futile to you. So why are you here day in and day out posting all those negative things if it has no purpose.
Comment by
Iamapothead on Sep 20, 2022 12:15pm
It actually had a lot of purpose. If you can't see why holding Marshall accountable is important then you deserve to lose every penny you have invested in the stock market. This is not a game. People lose money in markets every day and I personally aim for success. I haven't given up on Datametrex yet but seriously, take the blinders off, do some DD, and ask some hard questions.