Post by
Resilience19 on Jul 18, 2023 1:18pm
DM management is being wreckless
It's becoming increasingly unacceptable that DM management appears to be making no effort to stop the relentless downward sp.
Understanding that it's summer time and that everyone is entitled to a break, it increasingly feels like management has hung the "Closed" sign.
At this point DM's silence boarders on wrecklessness IMO. With a 0.055 sp they need to remove their pink glasses, cut on the weed and show some action. A bit of respect for retail investors please!
Comment by
Thecook100 on Jul 18, 2023 1:23pm
Yes please. Did they ever respond to ur email ? Personally that is reckless in itself. Doesn't show good IR ethics. MG wakey little retailers support you also... but as you can see some shareholders have thrown in the towel.
Comment by
korupsion on Jul 18, 2023 4:34pm
I wonder if this SP push down is related to the WSR fiasco. He likely has freinds in low places. I hope DM asks to have it investigated. Not just the last two weeks the last 2-3 years
Comment by
StuGatz3579 on Jul 18, 2023 4:41pm
What makes you you believe the sp may have something to do with WSR? Complete nonsense. Follow DM's track record and you'll understand why it is tanking. Only good thing about WSR at the moment is that he will finally get one right. Everyone has a one win every once in a blue moon. Congrats WSR! SG3579
Comment by
korupsion on Jul 18, 2023 4:49pm
Its called logic. price was hovering at .07 for a long time. Then the wsr fiasco and with no other news except the positive SK contracts The price walks down.