Post by
swyint123888 on Jul 08, 2024 11:05am
Countdown Is On Parky
If the game isn't available in the store when I wake up this Friday morning ill be sending my complaint into the regulators under the feeling of being mislead.
Whatever the law does (if anything) is up to them....I read the NR as being uploaded at the time of the research tells me 1 to 2 weeks to upload....tick tock parky.
Comment by
Forge24 on Jul 08, 2024 11:15am
They didn't give a release date, hell not even a timeframe in the news release so it will be tough to argue that you were misled if it isn't uploaded by x date. I do find it odd no one has mentioned any concerns about the app only being released on google play store and nothing being mentioned about any plans for Apple Store?