Post by
robert1232 on May 27, 2014 1:17pm
posted on sedar: AGM june 23
Posted on Sedar: Number of Common Shares Percentage Southern Arc Minerals Inc. 125,172,797 26.72% Dundee Corporation(2) 140,494,910 29.99% John Proust, CDir British Columbia, Canada Director, Chairman and Interim CEO Nil Dr. Michael Andrews, PhD, 4,590,908 If I am reading this right JP owns ZERO shares ??
Comment by
MaxTMaxT on May 27, 2014 5:44pm
JP can buy 3million shares at exercising his options before expiration date Proust, John Graham Relationship as filed with regulators: 4 Latest filing date: September 13, 2013 Direct Ownership Options 3,000,000
Comment by
MaxTMaxT on May 29, 2014 4:16pm
Wow...what a brilliant observation !..the point is that he has access to 3M shares which he can excercise when the the sp increases...unlike long term investors who have to buy and hold. ....MaxT
Comment by
tomgranite on May 29, 2014 4:47pm
Exactly Max. It is a no risk situation for JP, that is what seanmac is pointing out.