Post by
yohanlee on May 15, 2014 9:00am
11 days left of trading in may
11 days to go since monday is a holiday.
PEA before long weekend hopefully.
I think it will hit at least .20 cents min
Comment by
Solidsnake10 on May 15, 2014 11:00am
Any reason why the PEA could be negative? not trying to bash but i want to know th cons of tihs play and why its so undervalued.
Comment by
RollingDice on May 15, 2014 11:22am
There are zero concerns from management (or from me, for what it's worth). Given the known resources, grading, depth of recources and low cost of energy and labour, this is a win for anyone who holds it. As mentioned before, EGX is not a mining company, so funding the mining will be someone else's job. EGX drills, evaluates and either does a joint venture or sells the asset.