Post by
Martyboss on May 10, 2021 10:07am
1st Quarter Financials
Last years 1st quarter Financials for EKG were not put out till Sept, Wow , If this is the case for 2021 again .then we have a long summer to go through at .04 to .05 , going to be dead money for another 3/12 months..
Comment by
Tdotsilver on May 10, 2021 11:15am
Because Covid19 why financial report delay. All markets delay for financial report last year. Your memory very short.
Comment by
GoldBug666 on May 19, 2021 7:36am
Emailed investor relations. Q1 need to be released by July 16th. They couldn't provide an exact date yet. That's not too long to wait. Thinking Q1 should be quite positive since the year end financials really showed a turn around. Glta.