Post by
Mac1977 on Feb 29, 2016 5:00pm
The company will release one of two possibilities.
Having held shares in this company since it traded as tvc on the venture my guess is they are declaring themselves bankrupt. If you look at their financials they only had $4000 left on there last year end report. Seeing how legal proceedings normally take years apron years to get resolved i think it unlikely that a settlement with the government will be this news item. But having said that there was a lot of volume this last week. Tends to happen when people catch wind of news before it's released. So who knows. It is strange that they halted the stock this morning and still haven't released the news.
Comment by
humblepie on Feb 29, 2016 7:38pm
The news is probably that they will read the postcard from management. "Hello all you suckers... "