Post by
profiteer2 on Jan 12, 2011 1:56pm
Number of Shares on the Bid
Something that has me curious is the number of shares on the bid at over 6M. Who the heck is wanting to buy all of this stock? If Mulberry is selling at 6 to 6.5 cents, you can rest assured that he is not buying back in at 6. Also curious as to what happened to all of the big supporters of this stock on this BB. Hey guys...c'mon and tell us that all is well here. I need someone to tell me how this latest deal with Sidon was a good deal for EZ.
Comment by
69mac on Jan 12, 2011 2:07pm
I am wondering the same thing, I figured the latest press release would drive the value up at least somewhat. I hate to be negative but starting to think this ship is going down. Does anyone have any positive thoughts to this crazy senario?