Post by
sunny1018 on Apr 20, 2011 10:01pm
Its hard to believe that EZ a gold mine in progress and trading at a few pennies 4 pennies in fact. Unreal.
Comment by
GDXJ on Apr 21, 2011 10:30am
It's quite obvious that the company IR guy is just sitting on his a$$.Good IR people are out banging on doors, meeting investors and getting the word out about their great properties.
Comment by
JennyB2 on Apr 23, 2011 3:17pm
Could you please point out a period in time when SL-EZ has EVER had a "gold mine in progess"? Please cite references, production of ore, profits know, the usual stuff associated with a "gold min in progress".I can't wait to see this!
Comment by
JennyB2 on Apr 29, 2011 6:49pm
Hm? JV's looking at the "Bono"?How many of the insiders of the Ugly Cousins/Sisters are involved with those potential JV'ers?You know? Just asking from exposure to these companies for quite some time now.