Post by
Buffalo1956 on Oct 11, 2022 11:40am
PHASE 1 : Premium spodumene concentrate
That's the best news I've heard so far for near term revenue . "Premium" is code for "Technical Grade " which is used by the glass people . With that high grade core on the PAK deposit you would only need about 3 tons of ore to make 1 ton of concentrate . So with a little , off the shelf concentrator of say 250 TPD you could produce 30,000 tons of technical grade worth $5,000 to $7,000 per ton in todays market . That's $150 to $210 million of revenue per year with about 90% margins from a very small mill . That's $0.60 to $0.85 per share of pretax profit per year . Those little plants can be installed in 3 or 4 months . Think this is a fantastic move by management to get this deposit to production ASAP .
Comment by
qwerty22 on Oct 11, 2022 11:54am
Written as a neat paragraph it sounds easy as. I'm going to ask the same question as above. This constitutes a change in the business plan? It justifies a delay of 1 Q in getting the PFS out?