Post by
gltaisignlongs on Oct 19, 2023 9:31am
Fobi as a "social media" company....
is an idea that makes this company really exciting.
I know that Fobi is not a real social media company but the fact that Fobi keeps adding millions of users with each new wallet company that it buys and with each project that issues a wallet pass could give Fobi additonal ways to generate revenue in the future.
Most media companies in their beginnings were losing money and in most cases the main target was to get as many users as possible. This allowed them to reach a critical mass and create an economic moat that secured their position as the go-to company for their area of expertise.
There are many differences between what Fobi is doing and the way sociaal media companies came to be but the idea is similar. Get as many users as possible in the early stages, by good companies that also have been doing the same and at some point you will achieve the require size that will make it hard for new entrants to compete with you and for existing customers to be willing to go to a smaller company.
Comment by
PaperBoi222 on Oct 19, 2023 9:39pm
Great in theory I like it.. Cheers PB
Comment by
TheWatcher780 on Oct 20, 2023 10:24am
Curious, how would you use a wallet pass as a social media outlet for millions of users to interact? Lay me out an example of what's in your head. Thanks
Comment by
steamerlane on Oct 20, 2023 10:46am
How about something parallel/similar to the Pinterest platform?
Comment by
TheWatcher780 on Oct 20, 2023 11:22am
Have a good friday. Good read.
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Makemesomecash on Oct 20, 2023 3:19pm
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