Post by
Laphroig on Oct 26, 2023 11:31am
Question for Dev, or Greenday, or U3O8
In the Red Cloud Fantasy Hour special, Dev mentioned that prior to investing 15M in FUU, DML was given access to drilling information that is not available to other investors. Isn't that an interesting concept? Without divulging any "company secrets", would one of the trinity, doesn't matter which one, though I think U3O8 might give the most truthful answer, mind explaining this concept a little? What information can be shared with a potentiual investor that cannot be shared with current shareholders?
Comment by
mary2117 on Oct 26, 2023 1:58pm
That would be illegal.!!!They would have information that would gave them stock advantage over other potential shareholders. Insider trading is what it is.
Comment by
Greenday on Oct 26, 2023 2:04pm
@Karen308 - Why are you posting as Laphroig today? Nevertheless, there was lots of information provided during the Red Cloud podcast. You just didn't understand any of it and that's your problem. Perhaps your time would be better spent learning things rather than it spent making racially adulterated posts about Dev.