What's wrong with this logic ?????
Slide deck shows a body say 1550 by 250 by 350 metres = 135,625,500 cubic metres
one cubic metre is 2.72 tonnes granite or 2.3 tonnes sandstone
so say average is 2.5 tonnes per cubic metre
1 oz is 29.58 grams
Gold content appears
Therefore, 135,625,500 times 2.5 = 339,063,750 tonnes in the blue mass in the slide deck (and it is open too)
Drilling in slide deck shows and average of somewhere around 1.8 grams gold and silver is 5 times gold grams
610,314,750 grams AU = 20.6 million ozs GOLD
3,051573750 grams AG = 103 million ozs SILVER
so let's say grade is lower by 50%
Its not but let's play...............we have high grade zones to come.
Guess : 10 million AU and 50 million AG
So AU at $800 per oz profit is $ 8,000,000,000
Assume SLW.to buys silver stream for upfront cash
and ignore AG credits which are substantial.
Now take 10% of $ 8 billion and divide by share count means
$ 7.50 per share
That is my guess on share price high to come on announcement of 10 million ozs AU ( I use this estimate as a strectch and will settle on 7.5 million ozs as my bet).
This is a very cheap stock and hence why we see so much insider buying and know interest from Sheldon Eric Sprott and others.
And , it is open to more finds along trend and in depth and what of higher grade core etc.
Expect fireworks.