If you've read a few of my posts you'd know how conductive geaphit is.
There are different kinds of graphite and as seen in a few videos the
greasy graphite is far superior for conductivity.
Based on visuals,
appears GEM has that kind of grease looking graphite.
Here's a quick video which demonstrates the importance of quality graphite
versus low grade - comparing conductivities.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDc0C3yffWQ Hydrogen vehicle iRe coming on strong.
Imagine pulling up to a fuel station and filling a vehicle with, salt water ?
Specially formulated salt water that ( can't be formulated by consumer ) yet
feeds the fuel cell in which provides hydrogen and oxygen gas to run a motor.
12 v battery in current petro vehicles functions the ignition system and other various
components such as led display, heater, air, radio etc.... Alternator keeps the battery
well charged.
2nd BATTERY Let's now imagine a 2nd battery under hood of car devoted to
HHO fuel cell which splits the salt water into HHO to function motor.
Doubtful ? Here, watch this video that proves 12v battery can split salt water.
must watch**
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqjn3mup1So&pp=ygUNaGhvIGdlbmVyYXRvcg%3D%3D As one can see
not much power is needed to produce HHO fuel.
Where would the power come from to feed the 2nd battery ?
Paint the vehicle with graphite acrylic paint.
Dark graphite could easily hide with in many colors.
Oranges, yellows, blues, reds, silvers, etc.
Only challenging color would be white but... there are color pallete tricks of
mixing dark colors that turn back to white in which to hide the graphite.
What whould a 1mm graphite paint with acrylic topper generate in, V ?
Hello. I'm think just enough energy to function the fuel cell...
How about a graphite carbon exterior skin ( body parts ) door, hood, roof, etc...
With acrylic top coat... Some graphite carbon products are just as durable as steel.
How would this affect the ev industry ?
Completely distrupt it.