Post by
Wangotango67 on Jul 11, 2024 12:43pm
North American Graphite Alliance
- can't find website
- too weak with requests ( narrow approach / mainly battery sector )
- pushes on North American producers ( what, 2, 3 entities ? )
- should be -------> explorers with deposits + producers
If no website .... who created NAGA ?
Sounding dismayed doesn't cut the mustard.
Action plan that utilizes ( graphite / carbon ) to fullest potential is needed.
Graphite could easily accommodate 20 different sectors.
Fronting the battery " cause " allows control.
Breaking away from the " battery sector " frees graphite explorers / producers.
Open Eyes.... we seen US move and play book.
Where is Canada's / Quebec's ?
GEM contacting Northern is a great start.
Courage begins with one.
If two... more will join.
Pulling away from US control and direction allows Canadian graphite explorers / miners
to empower into other exciting energy / tech sectors.
Quebec's new Natural resource policies hampers Quebec graphite growth.
How will this affect NOU selling concentrates ?
For if the US policy is to adhere to buying Chinese graphite next 2 yrs,
then what exactly will NOU's concentrates be used for ?
Here is where NOU keeps selling cons to US and avoids the China 2 yr extension,
or... pulls back and regroups with a NEW graphite consortium .
Whereas... Canadian Graphite explorers and producers form their own alliance.
With the support of, Quebec provincial funding, Canada Dod funding, perhaps
Quebec Hydro or other large firms that take the lead to dev new Cgr energy, products.
Rio Tinto in Quebec... is awefully quite. ( aluminum plant )
graphite + aluminum hybrid batteries ( would womp china's CATL )
CATL - still lithium
Aluminum - gives up 3 electrons 3x better
Our issue in this present day ?
Not enough go getters, not enough business minded indiviuals.
Stew ?
Please do address the outcrop graphitics seen on satsllire maps.
Graphitics at surface - no trees ?
Versus sending crews into heavy treed areas ?
wth ?
what if NAGA was a US creation ?
Washington, D.C. – Today, the North American Graphite Alliance (NAGA) urges the Biden Administra<on to stringently impose its new two-year cer<fica<on requirements for OEMs under the Infla<on Reduc<on Act’s (IRA) Sec<on 30D Clean Vehicle Tax Credit. This will ensure that OEMs reach oQake agreements with North American graphite producers and grow domes<c graphite supply by 2027 when the two-year exemp<on from FEOC sourcing requirements expires.
“The robustness and pace of these new requirements is cri<cal so producers can obtain financing and begin scaling produc<on to fulfill demand by 2027. This effort begins today,” said NAGA Spokesperson Erik Olson.
“OEMs must commit to sourcing IRA-compliant graphite from North American suppliers. Only then will the industry be able to sustain itself, compete with China, and bring thousands of jobs to the U.S. and Canada. We do appreciate Treasury’s work in the final rule to ensure that the two-year window is not extended. If we want a North American graphite industry the window must close in 2027.” NAGA’s comments are in response to the publica<on of the Biden Administra<on’s decision to provide a transi<on period for ba^ery-grade graphite sourcing in the final implementa<on of the EV tax credit.
This final rule grants OEMs a two-year window to con<nue purchasing graphite mined, manufactured, and processed in China, un<l January 1, 2027, upon demonstra<ng a meaningful procurement plan to secure compliant supply chains by the <me the exemp<on expires.
“While we are disappointed in the decision to grant a transi<on period, our focus now turns to what steps must be taken to protect North America’s graphite producers.
The en<rety of the ba^ery supply chain must work together to build and sustain a domes<c graphite industry,” said Olson. “We look forward to working with OEMs to set their mandatory plans and reports to source from North American sources.” Graphite, natural or ar<ficial, is the most prevalent mineral in lithium-ion ba^eries and is listed as a cri<cal mineral on mul<ple federal government lists. The Biden Administra<on has invested billions of dollars in developing the domes<c graphite supply chain through the IRA and the Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act (IIJA). Without the commitment of OEMs to purchase North American graphite, these historic investments will not lead to the frui<on of a sustainable, secure, and independent domes<c graphite industry.
The thought ?
What if consulting firms guide both US and Canada ?
Whose then making these hairball policies ?
Why is it, Canadian graphite, oil sands, silica all scooped by US ?
Not by happenstance.
By design.
Canada your in a fight to position oneself with respect and capture graphite contracts.
It won't happen if one let's US lead and make the rules. There are numerous other sectors
graphite and carbon are needed. Let's see some strong leadership / ingenuity.