Post by
Deschenes on Jan 07, 2022 12:20pm
45 Degree Stock
Just reviewed my dogs at end of year and Granada is by far the best. If you look at a chart, it is a straight line decrease at a 45 degree angle over the course of a year.
Nevertheless I am sure that Frank will come up with another rollback and discover amazing traces of....perhaps diamonds, or he hasnt mentioned oil yet. This will lead to huge promotions, perhaps a rollback, and definitely more options for Directors. Franks results over past 10 years, sure beats having to go to work at a real job.
Im hoping that the graph at the end of year 2022 will perhaps be at 25 (degree) loss, or even down to ....dare we hope a 15 degree loss over the 12 months. That would be a significant imiprovement from 2021.
Anyone that buys shares in this wretched dog is a fool, based on proven results (losses) in share price over a period of years