Post by
kddougan on Jan 04, 2021 2:41pm
Good Riddance 2020 , Hello 2021 !!!
The prospective fault size is 10 KM & they have tested only 1.6 KM. Rudimentary math says they have only drilled 16% of the property that was never drilled or tested before.
That leaves 86 % to go so I'm in no way shape or form panicking as matter of fact, I have been picking off cheap shares slowly but surely. Back in August this stock topped out at 32 cents US, I got shares today for under 8 cents (thank you very much)
John Kaiser did a nice interview on what he thinks of the property. While no slam dunk, me likes the pathfinder minerals and pristine gold and his take on the lake targets.
I will take an 86% chance any day with so much upside. 32 cents with no drill results... where are we headed when we hit some paydirt !!! KD
Comment by
Bolivia on Jan 05, 2021 7:55am
Hopefully they find a huge discovery ...your family would be rather mad at you hyping this stock and GNG come up empty.... but that the risk...but as you have said many times you have lost millions